At University of Idaho

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Details You Wouldn't Think About (unless you've done this before)

Collaboration is key in any theatrical production, and the devil, as they say, is in the details. To give you an idea of how all the parts must work together to create a successful production, listen in on this snippet of conversation between the stage manager, technical director and costume shop manager after the director raised concerns about hearing the actors get to their places behind the projection curtain in preparation for the silhouetted scenes:

Stage Manager: How much noise will walking on the platform in heels make?

Technical Director: It helps that the platform is so low to the ground and hence shouldn't have much reverb, but it will be noticeable. As to whether or not it will be undesirably loud probably depends on the scene. If it is too loud, we have a couple of options. Option one is that costumes may be able to provide some substance on the soles of the shoes to help quiet them. Option two is that we install Homasote, a paper pulp based fiberboard, between the plywood and MDF. Homasote would help deaden the sound of footfalls. We have some on hand, probably enough to do the whole platform. The main drawback with Homasote is that it adds 1.2 lbs/sq ft, so about 210 lbs in our case. This is a minor hassle if we travel it, but not horrible. Also, it adds a little time to the platform build. Also, also, it adds 1/2" to the height (unless we want to remove all the legs, remove 1/2" and then reattach them - which I don't think is worth it for the 1/2").

Costume Shop Manager: From the costume end, we are still anticipating the arrival of our shoe orders. When they arrive, we will get them to rehearsal as soon as we can to assess the noise issue. Is the sound issue only happening on the platform, or is it a genereal shoe noise concern? Most modern shoes are soled with a plastic and rubber mixture on the soles. There are some things we can try, but anything we do can not completely dispell the sound of shoes, although it can mitigate "clicking" sounds. If the sound issue is on the platforms or a foot fall sound (as opposed to the material of the shoes) then we might need to look towards padding the platform. 

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